Hi lil' buns~!
I was in the middle of yet another Japanese magazine haul when I realized that I hadn't made any posts about Jmags in a long long time - and I have discount codes to share!
As my sidebar indicates, I am in affiliation with CDjapan and by purchasing anything from their website (anime figures, DCs, magazines etc) you automatically get a discount through any of their links on my blog! -How great is that! You can also type in the code "misumipyon" before you check out during payment on their website.
So here I am with my first Jmagazine post of the year, with perfect timing for the October-Halloween and pre-Christmas time of the year~
Here are a few Jmags which I purchased and found really cute, among others:
♡ October 2015 ♡

I am so tempted to continue collecting Japanese magazines because they are so cute and very inspirational! I am always looking for something new to inspire the way I dress, and Japanese magazines never fail to do just that.
Although a lot of J-magazines are obsessing over pastels right now and a similar Larme-kei approach to their fashion, I personally don't mind it as I love those two things very much. However I do miss being exposed to a new style and sense of fashion from each individual magazine. And seeing the old school / original gyaru style completely become 'extinct' (for lack of a better word) it saddens me, and I continue to hope that that style will be revived. Perhaps modern day gyarus, who don't live off on the original sotry and theme of the original gyarus, should name themselves something other than gyaru. I still do admire their style, don't get me wrong.
Anyways, I hope you cuties liked this post and if you have been considering buying some Japanese magazines of your own, you can find these links useful.
Thank you for reading!
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