Hi lil'buns!
It's been a while since I last did a monthly favorites post so! I decided to combine both my October and November faves, since both months had a ton of different likes ^^
Before I get to that, I just want to mention the amount of disbelief I'm in about being this close to ending 2015! ( Ahh where did time go ?!? ) Lol.
The past two months have been very kind to me as I have been very comfortable in my environment and found out more about myself on so many carrying subjects recently. So on that note, I suppose these past two months have been one of my favorite this year! ( It might have to do with the fact that my birthday is on Halloween and it's literally my fave not-so-holiday-holiday with a close second to Christmas ).
On that note, I have been considering a URL / identity name change and I might go ahead with it before Christmas comes along, change is good once in a while, for the right reasons.
Nails And rings! If you follow me on twitter or tumblr, you know I love my nails to be on the longer side. And this past two months they've been free of breakage! Yay~
I also love gold rings. The rose ring is a family heirloom and its very special to me, I always wear it.

I recently purchased this cute 90's tattoo choker from here! ( I have an upcoming ebay haul for my next post -look forward! ). This isn't the most flattering photo but it shows how well the choker fits one me ^^.

One of my all time favorite snacks has been Reeses cups and I tend to always have them around me when I study for motivation!

Shopping or even just browsing through the cutest knick-nacks is also something I enjoy. I found some really adorable items around the end of November!

One Punch Man
If you follow me on twitter or even tumblr, you already know that I am in love with the popular manga turned anime One punch Man. I rarely go for Shounen anime ( unless they are Naruto, Bleach or Gintama lol). So I was surprised to find that I actually loved the humor and sci-fi behind this anime. I highly recommend it even if your a little iffy about shounen or action anime. ^^ It's hilarious and leaves you wanting more, even though they've barely explained anything that's going on ( in the anime at least. ) The story behind it's origins is pretty amazing too. To sum it up, even though I suggest you do some searching on your own, is that a small ( badly drawn ) webcomic in Japan suddenly became popular and gained enough fame to become a published manga redrawn by the artist of the famous anime Eyeshild21 and later became even more popular to finally earn it's own anime, and here we are. In the age of Saitama (baldy ) -whom I love.
Skin Care!

Recently I begun using this peach scrub and its fantastic! Not only does it smell good but the scrub (in the smaller container) makes my skin so smooth and free of that heavy feeling of makeup and dirt on my face, where as the blemish control helped out with acne scars. ( i might make a review on this product soon ).
Recently I begun using this peach scrub and its fantastic! Not only does it smell good but the scrub (in the smaller container) makes my skin so smooth and free of that heavy feeling of makeup and dirt on my face, where as the blemish control helped out with acne scars. ( i might make a review on this product soon ).
I saw tv but I watch about 90% of my fave shows etc on my laptop ^^
As you all know by now (probably ) I looooooooove kdramas and I've been watching them for a very long time now ( i think it's been like 5 years now ). And i recently begun watching these two dramas (none of which I've currently finished-yet! ) and absolutely love them.
As you all know by now (probably ) I looooooooove kdramas and I've been watching them for a very long time now ( i think it's been like 5 years now ). And i recently begun watching these two dramas (none of which I've currently finished-yet! ) and absolutely love them.
She was pretty
I order you
You probably also know that I looove superheroes and anything which revolves around them so when my friend suggested I give The Flash a try, I was instantly hooked!
The flash
Inspiration, Advice, Beauty
I find that there are often very few people online who inspire me through sheer personality (first ) and ability on a personal level, however i recently begun watching videos from my two fave youtubers again, who I believe are so genuine and not fake like a lot of youtubers/online celebrities I run into. ( just my opinion, no need to be but hurt ).

Where do I even start with Weylie?! LOL! She is just so cheerful and full of so much advice I feel like her videos cheer me up without fail when I'm feeling down about just anything. Plus she is also very cute and free spirited!
I've been watching Sammies videos for over 2 years now and it's not just her content I love, it's her personality, style, authenticity and spirit -honestly! Shes the exact opposite of a ton of vloggers I come a cross who seem/are very fake , and not I don't know her in person, but she has a certain charm and charisma which I don't find in this field of work.

Larme-kei is just about my favorite Jfashion style, it's what I feel most comfortable in and I find it extremely adorable. I simply love the mix of 'soft' pastely colours, the cutest shoes and fabrics like silks with ruffles! It's super girls and gentle on the eyes~

Risa nakamura
Risa has been one of my greatest fashion inspirations for over 2 years, but recently she seems to have 'uped' her game by adding blacks and dark lipsticks into her style, which was previously mostly pastels and white--which I love! And she quickly became a fave again.
Swankiss Shop staff
As always, the swankiss staff is a great inspo to me. And as I shopped throughout these 2 months, they were a great influence on my style (which has always been pastely tho ).
Halloween was a blast this year! I got to celebrate it not once but three times in three different locations this year. Considering its also my birthday, why wouldn't I go all out?! i enjoyed each celebration with new friends and even though I didn't go trick or treating for the first time in forever, its ok because it was amazing regardless.

Halloween was a blast this year! I got to celebrate it not once but three times in three different locations this year. Considering its also my birthday, why wouldn't I go all out?! i enjoyed each celebration with new friends and even though I didn't go trick or treating for the first time in forever, its ok because it was amazing regardless.

Fall is a wonderful time of year for me because foliage is the most amazing thing to witness. And the fall tends to have some of the most beautiful and colorful sunsets.....Nature is just so magical!!
Tons of music has really inspired me and simply made me happy, quickly made its way into my playlist this November. Most of it is Kpop, lol. But I can always appreciate new music which makes me happy~
Here's my current fave (as said in my faves list on the top right of my blog)
Twenty Three by IU
I can wait to see her in March of 2016 in NYC! Ahhhhh~ I love Melanie and her music so much! I cant wait for it to be March yet! ( If you're just so happen to be going to nyc for her concert, let me know, we can meet up! More into on meets ups on my twitter and tumblr @misumipyon ).
Tons of music has really inspired me and simply made me happy, quickly made its way into my playlist this November. Most of it is Kpop, lol. But I can always appreciate new music which makes me happy~
Here's my current fave (as said in my faves list on the top right of my blog)
Twenty Three by IU
Call Me Baby (EXODUS album) by EXO
Cry baby Album by Melanie Martinez
I can wait to see her in March of 2016 in NYC! Ahhhhh~ I love Melanie and her music so much! I cant wait for it to be March yet! ( If you're just so happen to be going to nyc for her concert, let me know, we can meet up! More into on meets ups on my twitter and tumblr @misumipyon ).
Thank you for reading!
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