Hey guys~! I have some super exciting news to share with you today ^^ Its kinda a long post ^^'
We had some trouble finding the street the concert was at but we made it on time and got a good place i line closer to the front and it was right at time square.
We had to wait for three hours outside before we could get in to wait another hour before the concert actually started. It was freezing outside but some new friends I made in line gave me his jacket to wear until we got in (he was quite hot i might add) and he had come with a bunch of his college friends who were really cool and friendly some not so much. But we got a long well and just fan-girled together, singing, dancing and chatting in line. I got to meet JeremyPamyuPamyu from tumblr and his' so nice! And tallll~
Before the concert started I got some merchandise I was upset they only had tshirts, I was looking forward to walking away with posters, stuffed animals and other cute Japanese stuff that they had at the other countries and concerts she already performed at, my guess was all the stuff sold and we were left with leftover.....i still got a tshirt though so I'm still happy. It currently hanging on my wall next to my bed
KPP 100% WORLD TOUR 2013
Then the concert finally started!
1st outfit Furisodation red dress
What I really loved about this dress is how frilly it was when she spun and moved around but didn't look gigantic when she stood the length was also long but cute-i didn't notice this in the music video.

2nd outfit Furisode kimono
Those shoes!
3rd lilac dress (my fav)
This was the last pic I took of her before she kindly thanked us for coming, after changing her outfit for the 4th time and doing an encore. After this she said she was leaving for Singapore the next day.
This is the picture she put up on twitter and facebook ending her US tour. I'm waaaaaay on the far right :)
I was so glad to have been there, I was so close to crying...
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