Hello Lovelies!
If you follow me on Instagram, you may already know that I went for a Monring Musume '14 concert on Oct 5 as an early Birthday gift!
Who is Morning Musume you ask?
They are an idol group from the various sections/families of Hello Project (H!P) who are talented in both sing and dance, they are much like AKB48, except they are basically rivals in the industry. They have one of the largest fandoms in Japan and are super adorable and energetic! Which would explain their massive popularity. And guess what-- I got to meet them!
But first lets start from the begging of this very exciting day for me :)
Way back in March of this year my mother bought me tickets to see the show of one of my favorite Jpop groups Morning Musume! We bought the tickets early (about a day after they went on sale) because they would have sold out if I waited until summer to get them. When I found out the girls were actually coming to America for the first time in years, I was so excited I basically begun listening to their music more often that I already did, in preparation for the concert. It's the best feeling ebing able to sing along as they sing live in front of you haha~!
They were to be performing at the exact location Kyary did more than a yea ago, which of course, was a concert I also attended!
Fast forward to the week of the concert; I had little time to prepare and construct an outfit so everything was put together the night before.
Pre-concert selfie! I posted this on my instagram.
Normally I would have worn my hair down for this concert but I decided to wear this wig, since I rarely wear it. Plus it was the perfect touch to my outfit.
Here is the outfit altogether! It was actually pretty cold in New York that day but I was prepared to stand for hours in line in my lolita heels and skirt just to see my fave idols and look cute while doing it! Lol!
Traditional photo of the Best Buy theater sign! (I did the same for the Kyary concert!)
I met some great people I knew online and had a fun time chatting with them.
I spotted Berricha, a previous memeber of Pinku Project -- one of the many youtube idol dancer cover dancers on youtube. Were mutual followers on twitter and it was amazing and all so wonderful meeting her in person! She was so sweet and kind!
I also bumped into Ki-mo and her sister, they are also well known Youtube Jpop dancers~!
In line, some fans were walking around with a Sayumi Michshige cut out for fans to take photos with how could I resist!
In line I met and be-befriended a girl named Mako who was from Japan and traveled to NYC just for this concert- she's a very dedicated fan! She was so sweet and kind! We even went to explore the Disney store because we were in line for too long and needed something else to do plus we needed t use the rest rooms lol! I also met John a fan from Australia! It was so cool being among fans literaly from all over the world all expression our love for the group and just being nerds about the whole concert. Not a lot of my irl freinds listen to aidorus so it was really nice being able to chat with others who also loved this side of Jpop culture just as much as I do!
It was hilarious really because we all pointed out this very fact!
Here we are in the second line:
When we finally got inside the Best But Theater, we lined up, yet again, to buy some merchandise! We were all so eager to get into the room with the stage but we knew everything would be sold out if we didn't buy anything at this point of the night.
They were honesty be the best company! And I'm still in contact with them both c:
Here is all the merch they were selling:
I only managed to get my hands on the special CD specifically for this concert and one fan towel. The tshirts sold out so quick! T_T But with the CD came a ticket to meet and great the memebers so I was more than happy to own one!
At the concert the 3 of us found seat at the top risers in the very back of the concert hall. It actually had an amazing view of the stage. Every corner of the stage was visible and so were the girls. If we were on the lower level we literally would not have been able to see anything, especially little short me.
Unfortunately my phone bugun to die on me and I really needed it after the concert to call my parents to pick me up. Who would want to be stranded in NYC at 10pm? Yikes! So I enjoyed the show and took very few pics and a short video.
Here is a random video I found on youtube!

They even performed their newest song Tiki Bun!

Sayumis Solo!
She's actually my fave member, so you can imagine how emotional this solo was!
Happy graduation Sayu-chan!

They had about 4 costume changes
Meet and greet!
This was right before the meet and great when all the other people who attended to concert were kindly asked to leave but us lucky VIP fans were seated and ready to meet the girls!!

Here they are! The changed out of their concert attire and wore their concert t-shirts! So cute~~! It was like a dream meeting them and they were so adorable!
I thanked everysingle on of them for perfoming that night and told them they were kawaii! Thank you basic Japanese lol~
And they also kknew a few phrases in English and told me "thank you!" or "You are also cute!". Kanon (dark green) said I was adorable and Sakura commented on my hair! And I was so overwhelmed my face begun to burn lol. I was completely overwhelmed when I got to shake Sayumis' hands, because she's is my favorite member and she's gradating(ed)!! I thank her for performing and told her I love her performances and I'll miss her. She replied with a thank you and said "I love you to!" omggggg~
She looked somewhat overwhelmed? during the handshake event, maybe she was tired idk. But it all felt surreal to me, a moment I'll never forget!
Heres the embarassing part; the Japanese tv show recording the event got my little chat with her on video and I'm going to be on thier special MM14 in America DVD and on Japanese tv once again!
The same thing happened at Karys 2013 concert, I was intervewed b a Japanese tv crew becuase the host noticed my "Fashion Monter" Kyary cosplay and my Japanese friend translated the questions for me. It was all so shocking and amazing but I was so happy and excited, especially because my "Furisodation" dance cover (from my youtube dance channel) was on a tv Kyary hosts and she would get to see my face again (though I doubt she remembers me.. T_T ). Read about it here!
After the three of us woke up from the trance the handshake put us in (lol), we took photos then we agreed to meet up again at the after party planned by Japanese fans who came for the concert. Before leaving, we exchanged numbers and took some photos in front of the huge screen playing some scenes from their music videos.
The photo came out really blurry but I'm going to leave it here.
Before the party begun, those of us who arrived early had to wait outside for about half and hour before the restaurant was set up for the party. So I took this photo while waiting.
Lil' me on the streets of NYC lol.
The party turned out to be slightly disappointing, I didn't even get in but it was easy to tell. So some friends and I went out for dinner and karaoke instead. Now that was tons of fun! After we hang out and I bumped into more people I met in line during the day, and basically chatted and had fun for the rest of the night. Then I had to go home.... T.T
I really wish I had kept in contact with most of the people I met that night, even just emails, but it was fun while it lasted.
As soon as I got home I showered and when I got comfy in my pjs, I begun to admire my new MM'14 goodies! I now have 2 CDs, A fan towel and Glow sticks for Sayumi!
Here are some close ups of the cd I got for free in line. The kindest fans/promoters (?) were handing out cds and glow sticks to fans in line and I just so happened to pick the cd - after a second try - with my favorite generation and favorite song "WHAT IS LOVE?" !
"One to Three to Zero: Morning Musume '14 live concert in NYC commemorative album".
This track has an astounding 17 songs! And it has two of my personal favorites; "The Manterou Show", "What is love" and "Kimono Kawartha Iyashinai" (I heard this song for the 1st time at the concert and after watching their choreography, it was an immediate favorite they dance so well and it's really calming).
Riho Sayashi Towel
I had a the most amazing experience on this day and I will cherish every moment for years to come. I'm so so glad I could attend this event and I'm looking forward to more events to come. Thank you mom for getting me tickets, thank you morning musume for being such angels and thank you all for reading!
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