Hello lovelies~!
Lately I've been reading more manga online and been looking forward to more summer anime but I realized there are a ton of anime I would like to watch after reading the manga! My reason for this being because I would to get the original and real story the mangaka put into the manga ( as well as art style) before it was adapted into an anime. And as majority of us know, the story in the anime isn't always according to the manga, very rarely does that ever happen. Frankly I've never come across an anime that follows the manga precisely, the closest one I've come to that experience with might have to be Naruto Shippuden -now that I think about it-. But I have yet to watch an anime and think "yes, that was in the manga!". Lol!
So I decided, since this list of "Manga before Anime" list of mine continues to grow, I would make a post about it, and hopefully read some of your opinions on this and share some great manga as well~!
Onto the list, which is in random order.
1. Sukitte Ii Na Yo

The anime of this story actually aired back in 2012 and it's very very short-12 episodes. And although I was very excited about the anime adaptation at the time, it turned out the be very brief (not surprising at all) and vague. If I was not aware of the original story and plot before watching the anime, I would have found the story very basic and short. So much relevant dialogue and specific events were evaded and were replaced with romance, the story is a lot more than just that. I's more about self discovery and learning to appreciate those around you. Personally it's one of my faves. I highly suggest it!
2. Fruits Basket

This is actually one of the most famous shoujo manga ever because of how dramatically its story line changed and lead to somewhat unexpected events. Its very cute and even though the art style is very outdated for me, the story is definitely unforgettable.
3. Ore Monogatari

I actually begun reading this a few months back by recommendation from a friends and I loooooved it! Some may find it to be a very stereotypical shoujo manga love story, but it has a very interesting twist! It's very "lovey-dovey" but unique in it's own way. The anime premiered in the spring of this year and I liked it, but the full effect can only truly be felt from the original story. Several of you may have seen gifs and images of the anime floating around tumblr and its for a good reason, the anime is ridiculously cute!
4. Akatsuki No Yona

At first I was a bit skeptical about this manga, but when I heard that the anime was coming out soon I decided to read the manga firs. And to my surprise it was actually very well written and enjoyable! There is something very intriguing about a female lead who grows to be independent and not need no man to help her at every turn. (lol). Also the detail is fantastic, kudos to the mangakas- and the animators who made and attempt!
5. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun

If you like shoujo manga that don't follow a specific, stereotypical kiss-kiss fall in love plot -ha see what I did there xD- this is the manga for you! Not only is this story very cute and entertaining, it also very random and spontaneous! Its like the magakas added a dialogue or story while they were inking it and not before--coincidentally being a mangaka is part of the story as well! It's very funny and silly, but also very sentimental.
1. Sukitte Ii Na Yo
The anime of this story actually aired back in 2012 and it's very very short-12 episodes. And although I was very excited about the anime adaptation at the time, it turned out the be very brief (not surprising at all) and vague. If I was not aware of the original story and plot before watching the anime, I would have found the story very basic and short. So much relevant dialogue and specific events were evaded and were replaced with romance, the story is a lot more than just that. I's more about self discovery and learning to appreciate those around you. Personally it's one of my faves. I highly suggest it!
2. Fruits Basket
This is actually one of the most famous shoujo manga ever because of how dramatically its story line changed and lead to somewhat unexpected events. Its very cute and even though the art style is very outdated for me, the story is definitely unforgettable.
3. Ore Monogatari
I actually begun reading this a few months back by recommendation from a friends and I loooooved it! Some may find it to be a very stereotypical shoujo manga love story, but it has a very interesting twist! It's very "lovey-dovey" but unique in it's own way. The anime premiered in the spring of this year and I liked it, but the full effect can only truly be felt from the original story. Several of you may have seen gifs and images of the anime floating around tumblr and its for a good reason, the anime is ridiculously cute!
4. Akatsuki No Yona
At first I was a bit skeptical about this manga, but when I heard that the anime was coming out soon I decided to read the manga firs. And to my surprise it was actually very well written and enjoyable! There is something very intriguing about a female lead who grows to be independent and not need no man to help her at every turn. (lol). Also the detail is fantastic, kudos to the mangakas- and the animators who made and attempt!
5. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun
If you like shoujo manga that don't follow a specific, stereotypical kiss-kiss fall in love plot -ha see what I did there xD- this is the manga for you! Not only is this story very cute and entertaining, it also very random and spontaneous! Its like the magakas added a dialogue or story while they were inking it and not before--coincidentally being a mangaka is part of the story as well! It's very funny and silly, but also very sentimental.
6. Ao Haru Ride

I've been looking forward to this anime since before it premiered last year, but after looking at some screen shots of the manga on tumblr, I think I would prefer the manga better than its anime adaptation. I think the concept is sweet and simple, but I would prefer the full experience through the manga ^^
7. Kamisama Kiss
Both the manga and anime are just so cute and I cant help but want to know what happens next all the time, lol. Plus their relationship is a little awkward in the anime whereas in the manga there is a lot more progress.
8. Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama
9. Tonari No Kaibutsu-Kun

This is actually one of the few titles on this list that I watched before reading the manga. And the lack of focus on side characters is what drew me the manga to learn more about their origins / stories. Also we all know this show isn't getting a second season (cries) and I had to know about the progression of their relationship.
10. Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji
Putting this post together makes me want to grab my tablet and begging rereading these titles or discovering underrated manga which need a chance! lol.
Anyways, I hope you liked this post as much I enjoyed putting it together and look forward to more manga/anime related posts in the future through this tag!
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