Hello Lovelies~!
I finally got around to writing about day two and three of Otakon! (here is part one!).
I finally got around to writing about day two and three of Otakon! (here is part one!).
I decided to dress up as Mako Mankanshoku on Saturday (day 2). She is my favorite character from Kill La Kill, if it wasn't already obvious I was totally in love with KLK at the time! ^^
I purchased the seifuku on ebay weeks prior to the con, but the coat was actually one of my fathers unused jackets so he let me use it and transform it into Makos fight club jacket. It needs more work tho ^^;
(in the process of making my cosplay / costest shot)
I didn't have many panels to visit this day either becuase they weren't to my interest or they clashed with another panel I was visiting. I had actually overslept this morning so I missed the CLAMP panel which I was looking forward too T_T So instead I whipped out my phone and took even more pictures of cosplayers and made more friends!
I met these cute cosplayers outside the game room which was so much fun! It was really interesting watching gamers play fighting strategy games, I beat quite a number of guys as Dead Or Alive 5 in a row, people begun cheering for me and were all surprised to see a girl beating all these guys lol!
Panty and Stocking - Panty Stocking & Gartebelt (Stocking is one of my favorite characters!)
Madoka & - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Rosalina & Luigi - Super Mario Word
Chun Li - Street Fighter
Captain America
( i don't know who the little girl is sorry ^^; )
These were taken in the game room right across the huge screening room which was going to have Sailor Moon episodes playing back to back, with a special greeting from Usagis' new English dub seiyus/voice actors!
There was a massive crowd waiting in line to get into the SailorMoon panel which was just about the largest event taking place that day! We waited for about 10 mins before being let in to find seats. We were handed 1 flier and 1 poster free just for passing the entrance. Lucky me~
I took a shot of this Sakura cosplayer while in line. Best Cardcaptor Sakura I've seen live in person!
The one thing I was looking forward to most was the Sailor Moon panel room where we got to watch the debutes of newly dubbed episodes, and meet the cast who did the dubbs!
It was so emotional being there among what felt like hundreds of other Sailor Moon fans who were so dedicated to the original series. And just being there in that atmosphere and sitting in that anticipation before it started, was one of the several moments at this convention I will never forget. I watched three episodes before my schedule showed that I was to be at the dealers room soon! I would have stayed for more episodes, but I wanted to get as much done in one day as possible.
Right after I left the Sailor Moon panel BOOM! I run into the most amazing Sailor Moon cosplayers I had seen at the enire convention! Not only were their cosplays hand made, but they had a group cosplay featuring all inner shenshi and they followed a "space ranger" theme! They were so adorable~!
Just look at the amazing detail on their cosplays and individuality!I loved the fabric they used for the skirts!!
I also spotted some other cosplayers near the Senshi
Korra - Legend of Korra
Jafar - Aladdin
After words I basically sprinted to the third floor where some Japanese celebrities were making appearances!
Another celebrity guest visit was made by member's of X-Japan!! I'm a huge Yoshiki fan and I thought he would be the only one at the fan panel but two other members were there too! It was so much fun being there Yoshiki was so funny talking about hoow he managed to put together his own band several years ago consisting of some of the biggest names at the time and he was basically a no-one yet leader of the group! How ironic! But the funniest part was when he mentioned how they would bond by visiting cow farms--and lets just say he let out secrets which he half-jokingly begged us to forget about! Lol!!
It was so much fun! Though I wish Sugizo showed up as well...
I also got to meet ALTIMA! I initially had no idea who they were before visiting their panel but they seemed pretty interesting so I wanted to stop by and get to know the group a little better. Turns out, they are a J-pop music group of 4 who have produced music for anime OPS and soundtracks- pretty cool!
I took tons of pictures and a video at their panel but it wasn't allowed! Security told me to put my phone away!! Oooops!
I also got to meet Saori Hayami the voice actress of Ayase from Oreimo! Which is actually the first anime that introduced me into Otaku culture and one of my first favorites (despite all it's controversies), read more about that here. I managed to visit over anticipated and crowded panel with tons of excited fans! One fan came all the way from Hong Kong/China--just to see her!
She was so sweet and had a deeper voice than I expected lol. She answered tons of Qs and even said famous lines from her counterpart Ayase. Apparently pictures weren't allowed but before I realised that, I managed to snap this pic oops... >o>
I run into this awesome Tuxedo Mask cosplayer on my way to the next panel! He was so funny with his energetic poses haha! On my way to the Otakon talent show, I spotted these two Space dandy cosplayers. It's unfortunate the lighting was so bad!
Before the talent show begun, which I qualified for to perfom as a finalist!, I had some time to change then sit and relax outside the room it was taking place in. I had a little snack and snapped some shots of my Sailor Moon merch!
These are the fliers and Poster that were handed out at the special Sailor Moon 20th picture show! It was reall refreshig being there watching the original sailor moon with a wonderful--compared to the horrible older version-- English dub! The feels were strong!
More cosplayers!
Kuranosuke from Kuragehime
Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones
Hello Kitty and my twin Nonon Jakuzure - gym clothes version.
Avengers coslayers!

Day Three!!

On day three I decided to go as Nonon once more and wear my wig more according to Nonons hair in the anime; tied back and hidden with bangs out. Excuse my messy guest room, I bought a ton of stuff and had to fix up my cosplays!
Day 3 was much shorter than the past two days, the convention only run from 8am - 3pm. So i felt very rushed to get everything on my checklist done. I was going from panel to panel endlessly, and occasionally stopping for photos of cosplayers.
At The Viz Media Booths!

After attending all the scheduled panels, I sprinted to the dealers room to get last minute figures and other goodies, as well as visit the Viz Media booth!
I'm glad I stopped here because I was asked by VizMedia booths representors to pose for some photos among other cosplayers as fans passed by. There were few to no Nonon cosplayers in the dealers room at the time, so when I was spotted everyone got excited that a Nonon appeared lol. It was so much fun taking pictures! (My hat makes me look kinda tall, don't let it deceive you XD).
I took these while I was walking out of the convention hall because the convention was finally over. It had been a great last day.
Even after everyone was kicked out of the convention, we all pilled up outside and hang out for a few minutes and got last minute photos with other great cosplayers.

Day 3 was much shorter than the past two days, the convention only run from 8am - 3pm. So i felt very rushed to get everything on my checklist done. I was going from panel to panel endlessly, and occasionally stopping for photos of cosplayers.
Rin - Free!
I also spotted this massive crowd of Free! cosplayers on my way to more panels .... Yes every single person near the fountain is a Free! cosplayer. Half of them were Haru trying to jump onto the fountain, only to be stopped by their friends. Of course I stopped for photos!
I met, chatted with and took photos with Robbie Daymond, Tuxedo Masks voice actor! He complemented my Nonon hat!
It was great getting to chat and hear first hand experience of the life of an American seiyuu, he was so open about his life and profession. Unfortunately fewer people showed up than expected so he didn't talk from the stage like originally planned, so instead he sat with us-the small audience and we formed a little chat circle. His panel ended up being very down to earth and it was really just a beautiful atmosphere which he created with everyone. I really hope to see him become more popular in the voice acting industry.
At The Viz Media Booths!

After attending all the scheduled panels, I sprinted to the dealers room to get last minute figures and other goodies, as well as visit the Viz Media booth!
I'm glad I stopped here because I was asked by VizMedia booths representors to pose for some photos among other cosplayers as fans passed by. There were few to no Nonon cosplayers in the dealers room at the time, so when I was spotted everyone got excited that a Nonon appeared lol. It was so much fun taking pictures! (My hat makes me look kinda tall, don't let it deceive you XD).
The Sailor Moon VizMedia booth! They were also holding a special event where fans could win a rare Sailor Moon medal! To win fans received a check marker where the had to walk around the dealers room and find all 5 inner senshi, get a stamp with their horoscope signs, then return to the booth and receive their prize after presenting proof and voila!
After making a few purchases I focused on the mission and found all 5 inner senshi!
This event was pretty fun and the cosplayers were so nice and really pulled of their characters! Especially Mars and Venus, I appreciated them standing up for pictures and doing their signature stances~
I got a selfie with Mercury (who didn't want to stand for pics lols).
I spent the rest of my day in the dealers room searching for figures and other merchandise. I eventually walked out with 5 baags full of pushies, posters and mostly figures! And of course whie there, I run into tons of cosplayers:
Noiz from Drammatical Murder
Howl and Sophie from Howls Moving Castle (my fave ghibli film)
Ahri from League of Legends
Pringle guy!
Ririchiyo from Inu x Boku SS ( She was so happy I recognized her coaplsy aww! I'll be cosplaying her demon version soon!)
Ariel from The Little Mermaid. She(he) was the most fabulous and sassy cosplayer ever omg!!
Rilakkuma stole a gun and threatened other cosplayers, but he was eventualy yelled at lol. This group was so funny~!
I took these while I was walking out of the convention hall because the convention was finally over. It had been a great last day.
Ace from One Peice. I had to take a picture of this cosplayer becuase my best friend loves One Peice and I knew this would make her happy!
Dark Lady from Sailor Moon! She was so sweet!
Even after everyone was kicked out of the convention, we all pilled up outside and hang out for a few minutes and got last minute photos with other great cosplayers.
Godoka/Madoka - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Khalessi - Game of Thrones
Free characters from the season ones ED.

Back Home!

After stopping at the ice cream place in my Nonon cosplay and getting very confused looks, i returned back to my aunts place. I finally got a chance to sit down and take a nice long hot shower after 4 days of waking up early and coming back home past midnight, only to plan for the next day and barely get any sleep. After relaxing, shopping with my cousin and packing up, I got ready for the drive back home. I'm so glad I only lived a few hours away!
I had a blast at Otakon and I will most definitely be going next year! This time I will have more than two cosplays and I'll be much more prepared for I will know what to expect! My first experience at an anime convention will forever be on of my favorite memories!
Thank you so much for reading! In case you didn't see part one, here it is! Also if you see cosplayers you know, or yourself, let me know and I'll source them/you!
I will be uploading my "Otakon Haul" post shortly, look forward!
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