Hello everyone!
How is your 2015 so far? I hope you all started the year with smiles and positivity!
Speaking of smiles, I'm oh so happy to announce that I am officially attending Zenkaicon 2015! Yay~~ It is exactly 11 days away as of today, I have a count down app on my phone.
I will be attending the con with my anime club from school --which I am proud to say I am president of 'w'
I brought this up to my club in December/Nov to which everyone responded positively, the other senpais and I have been planning it, even working out transportation and cosplay work shops to get everyone to go and work on making/buying group cosplays together! As expected, we all favor different genres and everyone decided to cosplay individually. I eventually put together / ordered dream cosplays of characters I personal like.
I brought this up to my club in December/Nov to which everyone responded positively, the other senpais and I have been planning it, even working out transportation and cosplay work shops to get everyone to go and work on making/buying group cosplays together! As expected, we all favor different genres and everyone decided to cosplay individually. I eventually put together / ordered dream cosplays of characters I personal like.
Here are the cosplays I have been working on and ordered! As for my actual cosplys for Zenkaicon, I'll reveal next week!
♡ Lolita Kuroneko ♡
Anime: Oreimo season 2

This is one of my most anticipated cosplays ever! Kuroneko is my number one waifu and I love this outfit on her! She just looks so cute in lolita. Ad seeing as I love frills, pink and lolita--this is actually perfect for me!
One of the best and my favorite cosplays I've seen of Kuroneko is by Miyuko who is one of the most popular Kuroneko cospayers in all of Eastern Asia! She pulls of this outfit so well, even if she did make her skirt shorter and fluffier, it honestly look much better. I will actually be adjusting my cosplay once it gets here!
One of the best and my favorite cosplays I've seen of Kuroneko is by Miyuko who is one of the most popular Kuroneko cospayers in all of Eastern Asia! She pulls of this outfit so well, even if she did make her skirt shorter and fluffier, it honestly look much better. I will actually be adjusting my cosplay once it gets here!

♡ Ririchiyo Shirakiin ♡
(Anime: Inu x Boku SS )

I love cute kimono inspired outfits, Japanese histrial themes and tough girls who can fight. And Ririchiyo is the combination of all the above.

♡ Stocking Anarchy ♡
(Anime: Panty and Stocking w/ Garterbelt)

I can relate so well with Stocking because (1) she loves sweets- especially cake , (2) she adores cute things, (3) she loves gore + horror and (4) she's a gothic lolita/enthusiast!
When I first watched PSG several years ago, I was just exposed and begun growing more interest to Jfashion, at the time I really liked visual-kei and gothi lolita, so i'm sure you can see where this is going..aha!

Mako Fight Club
(Anime: Kill La Kill)
(Anime: Kill La Kill)

I grew to love Makos characters when Kill La Kill first premiered. Her character is just so unique and precious, not to mention hilarious. She's very encouraging as well! It was great to see her evolve into such an independent character by the end of the show~.

♡ Super Sonico ♡

Super sonio is one of my newest waifus and she is truly adorable! There;s something about her representation and character that really stands out from other moe characters. And I love it!
Super sonio is one of my newest waifus and she is truly adorable! There;s something about her representation and character that really stands out from other moe characters. And I love it!

Anyways, that's all I have to share for now as I await for my orders to arrive, touch up existing oslays and continue to anticipate Zenkaicon2015 which is 2 weeks away!!
I'm hopping to attend as at least one character! I've never attended a con out of cosplay before and I don't want to begin now haha! I hope to attend more cons and get the chance to attend as all my dream cosplays~
Thank you for reading! Let me know if you're atending Zenkaicon! We can meet up and all! Follow me on my other social media for more updates etc!
I'm hopping to attend as at least one character! I've never attended a con out of cosplay before and I don't want to begin now haha! I hope to attend more cons and get the chance to attend as all my dream cosplays~
Thank you for reading! Let me know if you're atending Zenkaicon! We can meet up and all! Follow me on my other social media for more updates etc!
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